고등학교 교과서 자료/영어독해와작문(비상김진완 외)

영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김) - 어법성판단유형

미키박 2024. 9. 30. 14:08

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영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)


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영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)


영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 본문 1

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

 We live in an imperfect world. Problems such as poverty, lack of education, and environmental destruction ①to be confronting our generation. Some people say there is nothing we can do because "making the world a better place" often ②to call to mind images of great leaders or scientists. But there ③is plenty of room for our bright ideas and small actions to make a difference. Here are young people who developed their creative ideas ④to have a big impact on the lives of people in the world. 










영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)


are / ②calls



영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 본문 2

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

 The African Girl Making a Life-changing Schoolbag for Kids Thato Kgatlhanye ①to be creating changes in thousands of African children's lives through the Repurpose Schoolbags Initiative. When she was ②giving an assignment in university to create something, she focused on the barriers the ③underprivileged children ④facing. They used plastic bags to carry their books, and some could not study at night due to the high cost of oil they needed for their lanterns. Moreover, since they were not visible on their long walks home at night, many children ⑤being injured by cars.  
 Kgatlhanye thought of a plan that could help these children as well as the environment. She set up a company with her friends and ⑥create a schoolbag to solve the environmental, educational, and safety problems. It is ⑦environmentally friendly since it is made from 20 recycled plastic bags. The bag has a solar panel that charges a battery inside the bag on the walk to school, and the solar power ⑧transformed into an LED light for children ⑨studying after dark. By using this LED light, the children do not need to use dangerous oil lanterns that cause air pollution. In addition, the schoolbag has reflective strips, so ⑩that it increases the visibility of the children when they are walking home at night. 




영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)


is / ②given / ④faced./ ⑤were / ⑥created / ⑧transforms / ⑨to study 




영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 본문 3

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

 In 2014, Kgatlhanye took second place for the Anzisha Prize, a competition that awards young South Africans between the ages of 15 and 22 ①which have come up with innovative ways to solve problems in their communities. She is still trying to increase production of the schoolbags and ②planning to expand her business to other African countries with power shortage issues. The future of South Africa looks ③bright with creative young people like Kgatlhanye ④make a difference like this.  




영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)




who / ②plans / ④making


영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 본문 4

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

The Boy of the Netherlands Cleaning Up a Sea of Plastic Boyan Slat ①is on a mission―to rid the world's oceans of floating plastic. He has dedicated his teenage years to ②find a way of cleaning up a sea of plastic. The idea came to him at the age of 16, in the summer of 2011, when ③diving in Greece. He was ④shocked to see more plastic bags than fish, and even more shocked ⑤that there was no apparent solution.   
 Over the last 30 to 40 years, millions of tons of plastic ⑥entered the oceans. The plastic items are carried by currents in five ⑦revolved water systems, ⑧calling gyres, in the major oceans. Not only is the concentration of plastic in these areas ⑨high, the plastic is also ⑩spreading out over an area twice the size of Texas. Furthermore, the plastic does not stay in one spot: It rotates. These factors make clean-up incredibly ⑪challenged. If the currents were not swirling, the plastic ⑫could be cleaned up more easily. While he was thinking about this problem, a solution came to him: rather than chase plastic, why not ⑬use the currents and wait for it ⑭to come to us? 




영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)


finding / ⑥have entered / ⑦revolving / ⑧called / ⑩spread / ⑪challenging



영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 본문 5

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

 At school, Slat developed his idea ①farther as part of a science project. His solution was to build a ②floated network of barriers that could extract the plastic. These ③V-shape arrays that are to ④be set in the oceans ⑤to be 100 kilometers long. The logic behind these arrays is ⑥that the movement of the currents acts as a "collector" that brings plastic into the arrays. On June 3, 2014, he presented the Ocean Cleanup's feasibility study, ⑦it was conducted by 70 scientists and engineers, ⑧showed an available method to clean up the ocean within ten years' time. Later in that year, he completed a crowdfunding project with the support of over 38,000 funders from 160 countries. He won a UN environmental award for his research on ⑨removing plastic from the world's oceans. 
 His goal is to help clean up the Pacific Garbage Gyre, ⑩it is an enormous area of the ocean ⑪which swirling currents cause plastic from around the world ⑫gathering in huge patches. If Boyan's idea proves ⑬successfully, we could use it around the world to battle these ⑭ever-grown trash islands and ⑮protecting the marine environment and animals. 









영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)



further / ②floating / ③V-shaped / ⑤are / ⑦which / ⑧showing / ⑩which / ⑪where / ⑫to gather / ⑬successful / ⑭ever-growing / ⑮protect


영어독해와작문3과서술형대비문제 (비상김)

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