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목동 영어쌤 미키박쌤입니다.
오늘은 2021년 9월 고2 모의고사 36번 변형문제를 포스팅하겠습니다.
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'고퀄무료 변형문제'를 제공해드립니다.
그럼 시작해볼까요?
변형문제 1
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
When trying to sustain an independent ethos, cultures face a problem of critical mass. No single individual, ①acting on his or her own, can produce an ethos. Rather, an ethos results from the interdependent acts of many individuals. This cluster of ②produced meaning may require some degree of insulation from larger and wealthier outside forces. The Canadian Inuit maintain their own ethos, even though they number no more than twentyfour thousand. They manage this feat through a combination of trade, to support their way of life, and geographic isolation. The Inuit occupy remote territory, ③removed from major population centers of Canada. If crosscultural contact ④were to become sufficiently close, the Inuit ethos would disappear. Distinct cultural groups of similar size do not, in the long run, persist in downtown Toronto, Canada, ⑤there they come in contact with many outside influences and pursue essentially Western paths for their lives.
* ethos: 민족(사회) 정신 ** insulation: 단절
⑤there -> where
변형문제 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?
When trying to sustain an independent ethos, cultures face a problem of critical mass. No single individual, acting on his or her own, can produce an ethos. Rather, an ethos results from the ①interconnected acts of many individuals. This cluster of produced meaning may require some degree of insulation from larger and wealthier outside forces. The Canadian Inuit ②retain their own ethos, even though they number no more than twentyfour thousand. They manage this feat through a ③combination of trade, to support their way of life, and geographic isolation. The Inuit occupy remote territory, removed from major population centers of Canada. If crosscultural contact were to become sufficiently ④adjacent, the Inuit ethos would disappear. Distinct cultural groups of similar size do not, in the long run, persist in downtown Toronto, Canada, where they come in contact with many outside influences and ⑤bypass essentially Western paths for their lives.
* ethos: 민족(사회) 정신 ** insulation: 단절
⑤bypass -> pursue (bypass : 피하다, 우회하다, 돌아가다)
①interconnected (원문 : interdependent)
②retain (원문 : maintain)
③combination (원문 그대로 출제)
④adjacent (원문 : close)
⑤bypass -> pursue (bypass : 피하다, 우회하다, 돌아가다)
변형문제 3
다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?
This cluster of produced meaning may require some degree of insulation from larger and wealthier outside forces.
When trying to sustain an independent ethos, cultures face a problem of critical mass. No single individual, acting on his or her own, can produce an ethos. Rather, an ethos results from the interdependent acts of many individuals. ① The Canadian Inuit maintain their own ethos, even though they number no more than twentyfour thousand. ② They manage this feat through a combination of trade, to support their way of life, and geographic isolation. ③ The Inuit occupy remote territory, removed from major population centers of Canada. ④ If crosscultural contact were to become sufficiently close, the Inuit ethos would disappear. ⑤ Distinct cultural groups of similar size do not, in the long run, persist in downtown Toronto, Canada, where they come in contact with many outside influences and pursue essentially Western paths for their lives.
* ethos: 민족(사회) 정신 ** insulation: 단절
변형문제 4
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은?
When trying to sustain an independent ethos, cultures face a problem of critical mass. No single individual, acting on his or her own, can produce an ethos. Rather, an ethos results from the interdependent acts of many individuals. This cluster of produced meaning may require some degree of ____________________. The Canadian Inuit maintain their own ethos, even though they number no more than twentyfour thousand. They manage this feat through a combination of trade, to support their way of life, and geographic isolation. The Inuit occupy remote territory, removed from major population centers of Canada. If crosscultural contact were to become sufficiently close, the Inuit ethos would disappear. Distinct cultural groups of similar size do not, in the long run, persist in downtown Toronto, Canada, where they come in contact with many outside influences and pursue essentially Western paths for their lives.
* ethos: 민족(사회) 정신 ** insulation: 단절
① focusing on preserving their own culture
② developing one's own cultural image
③ keeping a balance between development and conservation
④ proper distancing from foreign powers
⑤ educational system for upcoming eras
④ proper distancing from foreign powers
(외세로부터의 적절한 거리두기)
원문 : insulation from larger and wealthier outside forces
참고 :
① focusing on preserving their own culture
그들 자신의 문화를 보존하는 데 집중하기
② developing one's own cultural image
자신의 문화적 이미지를 발전시키기
③ keeping a balance between development and conservation
개발과 보존 사이의 균형을 유지하는 것
④ proper distancing from foreign powers
외세로부터의 적절한 거리두기
⑤ educational system for upcoming eras
다음 시대를 위한 교육 제도
변형문제 5
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
When trying to sustain an independent ethos, cultures face a problem of critical mass. No single individual, acting on his or her own, can produce an ethos. Rather, an ethos results from the interdependent acts of many individuals. This cluster of produced meaning may require some degree of insulation from larger and wealthier outside forces. The Canadian Inuit maintain their own ethos, even though they number no more than twentyfour thousand. They manage this feat through a combination of trade, to support their way of life, and geographic isolation. The Inuit occupy remote territory, removed from major population centers of Canada. If crosscultural contact were to become sufficiently close, the Inuit ethos would disappear. Distinct cultural groups of similar size do not, in the long run, persist in downtown Toronto, Canada, where they come in contact with many outside influences and pursue essentially Western paths for their lives.
* ethos: 민족(사회) 정신 ** insulation: 단절
① Cultural Contact : The Inevitable Aspect of Changing Era
② The Key to Conserving Ethos : Insulation from Outer Forces
③ The Choice between Conservation And Development
④ How to Protect One's Own Spirit in the Modern Era
⑤ Ways to Keep Isolated for the Better Chances of Occupation
② The Key to Conserving Ethos : Insulation from Outer Forces
민족 정신을 고수하는 핵심 : 외세로부터의 단절
① Cultural Contact : The Inevitable Aspect of Changing Era
문화적 접촉 : 변화하는 시대의 피할 수 없는 측면
② The Key to Conserving Ethos : Insulation from Outer Forces
민족 정신을 보존하기 위한 핵심 : 외세로부터의 단절
③ The Choice between Conservation And Development
보존과 발전 사이의 선택
④ How to Protect One's Own Spirit in the Modern Era
현대에서 자신의 정신을 지키는 방법
⑤ Ways to Keep Isolated for the Better Chances of Inhabitation
더 나은 거주 가능성을 위해 고립을 유지하는 방법들
아주 확실해졌죠?
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