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영어 배움의 기본은 바로 어휘죠?
네, 그래서, 어휘 학습에 대한 테스트 자료를 제작했습니다!
이 자료를 최소 3번 이상 연습하시면 영어 어휘력 습득에 큰 도움이 됩니다.
그럼 시작할까요?
Here we go!
다음 중 영영 풀이가 잘못된 것은?
1. ① annually : once a year
② anonymously : done or given by someone who does not want their name to be known
③ critique : a method of repairing or fixing something
④ deserving : worthy of receiving something
⑤ detour : an alternative route
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: a detailed analysis or assessment, especially a critical one)
2. ① enhance : to improve something, usually by making it bigger or better
② evaluate : to judge how good, useful, or successful something is
③ exceptional : usually good; outstanding
④ fate : the belief that people have no control over their lives
⑤ rank : to list items in alphabetical order
정답: ⑤ (정확한 풀이: to have or to give a place in an order of importance)
3. ① influential : having a lot of power to change the way someone or something acts
② inspection : an official examination to judge how well things are being done
③ passage : a sentence or paragraph in a written work
④ publish : to officially make a book or magazine available to the public
⑤ range : the total distance someone can walk or run
정답: ⑤ (정확한 풀이: the limits between which something varies)
4. ① reputation : the opinion that people have about what someone or something is like
② sparingly : to a very small or minor extent
③ strictness : the quality of being careful or detailed
④ summarize : to describe the main ideas or events of something briefly
⑤ universal : existing everywhere or involving everyone in the world
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: the quality of being very demanding or rigid)
5. ① carry out : to perform or complete a task
② book : to arrange for something to be kept available for you
③ book up : to read all the books in a series
④ be eager to : to strongly want to do something
⑤ detour : to take a longer route to avoid an obstacle
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: to reserve all available seats or spaces)
6. ① anonymously : done or given without revealing the doer’s name
② critique : a detailed analysis of a subject or work
③ exceptional : standing out from others because of quality
④ fate : a plan that is written by humans
⑤ evaluate : to assess the value or quality of something
정답: ④ (정확한 풀이: the development of events beyond a person’s control)
7. ① range : the extent to which something varies or operates
② reputation : what others think about someone or something
③ summarize : to explain something in very detailed paragraphs
④ sparingly : to use something in small amounts
⑤ book : to make an arrangement for a future time
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: to describe the main ideas briefly)
8. ① universal : common or widespread everywhere
② carry out : to complete or perform an activity
③ strictness : the quality of being lenient or forgiving
④ enhance : to improve the quality or value of something
⑤ anonymously : done or written by someone who does not want to be identified
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: the quality of being demanding or rigid)
9. ① annually : happening every year
② deserving : worthy of something due to merit
③ influential : having the power to affect decisions
④ detour : a direct path to a destination
⑤ publish : to prepare and issue written work for the public
정답: ④ (정확한 풀이: an alternative or longer route)
10. ① critique : a way of giving a critical review or analysis
② rank : to place items in order of importance
③ inspection : a detailed examination to assess something
④ universal : found in one country but not in others
⑤ enhance : to make something better or more effective
정답: ④ (정확한 풀이: existing everywhere or involving everyone)
11. ① fate : something that is inevitable and beyond control
② sparingly : using or doing something in a restrained way
③ evaluate : to judge how something should be fixed
④ book up : to reserve all available spaces
⑤ deserving : having earned or being worthy of something
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: to judge how good, useful, or successful something is)
12. ① strictness : the quality of being very disciplined or firm
② detour : a route taken to avoid an obstacle or delay
③ enhance : to make something less effective
④ critique : a written or spoken evaluation of something
⑤ influential : having the ability to affect the actions of others
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: to make something better or more effective)
13. ① annually : happening once every year
② summarize : to provide a detailed, word-for-word account
③ passage : a section of text or writing
④ reputation : the collective opinions about someone
⑤ inspection : a formal check to ensure standards
정답: ② (정확한 풀이: to briefly state the main ideas or events)
14. ① range : the limits within which something varies
② be eager to : to strongly wish to do something
③ fate : an outcome that cannot be avoided
④ sparingly : using something generously
⑤ publish : to make written material available publicly
정답: ④ (정확한 풀이: using something in a restrained or limited way)
15. ① critique : a detailed review or evaluation
② anonymously : done without revealing one’s name
③ exceptional : something ordinary or common
④ rank : to assign a position in a hierarchy
⑤ universal : something that applies to everyone
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: something unusually good or outstanding)
16. ① book : to reserve a table or seat in advance
② book up : to fill all available spots with reservations
③ carry out : to abandon a plan halfway through
④ inspect : to carefully examine or check something
⑤ enhance : to improve something in quality
정답: ③ (정확한 풀이: to complete or execute a task)
17. ① fate : the power that is believed to control events
② annually : occurring every five years
③ reputation : the general opinion about something
④ evaluate : to determine the quality or effectiveness of something
⑤ summarize : to give a brief overview of the main points
정답: ② (정확한 풀이: occurring once a year)
18. ① sparingly : in small or limited amounts
② detour : a direct and straightforward route
③ influential : capable of impacting decisions
④ enhance : to boost the performance of something
⑤ universal : applying to all cases or situations
정답: ② (정확한 풀이: an alternative or indirect route)
19. ① book : to reserve something for later use
② exceptional : extraordinarily good
③ critique : a detailed and reasoned assessment
④ inspect : to neglect examining something closely
⑤ reputation : the belief or opinions others hold about someone
정답: ④ (정확한 풀이: to examine or assess carefully)
20. ① annually : occurring every year
② detour : a route taken to avoid something
③ publish : to distribute written content publicly
④ rank : to assign an order of importance
⑤ summarize : to copy something in great detail
정답: ⑤ (정확한 풀이: to briefly state the main points or ideas)
지금까지 미키박영어의
고등필수영단어 테스트 및 정답자료[8]였습니다.
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미키박영어 - 고등필수영단어 테스트 및 정답[7] (3) | 2024.12.07 |