미키박영어 중2동아윤정미7과변형문제(어법성판단유형)를 원하신다구요?
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Here we go!
중2동아윤정미7과변형문제(어법성판단유형) 본문 1
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
Rada lived on a little world, far out in space. She lived there with her father, mother, and brother Jonny. Rada’s father and ①another people worked on spaceships. Only Rada and Jonny were children, and they ②were born in space.
One day, Dad ③told Rada and Jonny, “We’re going back to Earth tomorrow.”
Rada and Jonny looked at Dad in ④surprise and ④float towards him. Rada asked Dad, “What’s it like on Earth?”
“Everything is different there. For example, the sky is blue,” ⑤answered Dad.
“I’ve never seen a blue sky,” said Jonny.
“The sky is always black here,” said Rada.
①other ④floated
중2동아윤정미7과변형문제(어법성판단유형) 본문 2
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
“You don’t have to wear your big heavy space suits because there is air everywhere. It’s also hard to jump there because Earth pulls ①down you,” ②said Dad.
“What else?” asked Rada.
“There are hills, and they are covered with soft green grass. You can roll down the hills,” ③answering Mom.
“Dad, have you ever rolled down a hill?” ④asked Rada.
“Yes, it’s really ⑤amazed!” answered Dad.
Jonny was thirsty, so he opened a milk container and shook it. The milk floated in the air and ⑥formed balls. Jonny swallowed the balls.
“Jonny, if you ⑦will drink milk that way on Earth, you’ll get wet,” said Mom.
①you down ③answered ⑤amazing ⑦drink
중2동아윤정미7과변형문제(어법성판단유형) 본문 3
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
Later that night, Rada and Jonny talked a long time about Earth. It was ①excited to think about all the new things they were going to see and ②do. There was one new thing Rada and Jonny really ③wanting to do. They thought about it all night and didn’t tell Mom and Dad about it. It was their secret.
The next day, Rada’s family ④got on a spaceship.
“It’s going to be a long trip,” said Mom.
“That’s alright. I’m so ⑤exciting!” said Rada.
①exciting ③wanted ⑤excited
중2동아윤정미7과변형문제(어법성판단유형) 본문 4
다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.
The spaceship finally landed.
“Dad, it’s difficult to walk on Earth,” said Rada.
“I know. Earth is pulling ①down you,” said Dad.
Rada and Jonny couldn’t float anymore. That was the first new thing.
“What’s that sound?” ②asked Rada.
“A bird is singing,” said Mom.
“I’ve never heard a bird ③to sing,” said Rada.
“And I’ve never felt the wind,” said Jonny.
These were all new things.
Rada and Jonny ran up the nearest hill. At the top, they looked at each other and ④laughed. Then they lay down on the soft green grass and ⑤rolling down the hill. That was their secret!
“This is the best new thing of all!” ⑥shouting Rada and Jonny.
And they ran up to the top of the hill again.
①you down ③sing ⑤rolled ⑥shouted
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미키박영어 중2동아윤정미7과변형문제(어법성판단유형) 자료였습니다.
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