2021년 11월 고2 모의자료/2021년11월고2모의분석

2021년 11월 고2모의 34번 변형문제

미키박 2022. 10. 15. 12:15

3등급도 전교 1등으로!!

(목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고)


안녕하세요 목동 미키박 쌤입니다.


오늘은 2021년 11월 고2모의 34번 변형문제 자료입니다.



11월 최다 오답률을 기록했던 34번입니다.


2021년 11월 고2 영어 34번



먼저 원문 풀어보신 후, 정답 확인해보시구요.

그 다음에는 한줄 해석 자료로 내용 확인해보시구요.

마지막으로 변형문제를 풀어보시는 시간입니다.


그럼, 시작할까요?







1. 문제 원문 + 정답


다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

One vivid example of how ________________________ is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so. In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one. Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased. Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.

① people can put aside their interests for the common good

② changing an existing agreement can cause a sense of guilt

③ imposing a fine can compensate for broken social contracts

④ social bonds can be insufficient to change people’s behavior

⑤ a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution















One vivid example of how ________________________ is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so. In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one. Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased. Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.

① people can put aside their interests for the common good

② changing an existing agreement can cause a sense of guilt

③ imposing a fine can compensate for broken social contracts

④ social bonds can be insufficient to change people’s behavior

⑤ a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution


벌금 제도 도입 이전 - 사회 계약(양심과 도덕성에 근거한 사람들간의 계약관계)

-> 벌금 제도 이후 - 시장 계약(돈에 의한 계약관계)으로 변경

-> 이전 수준 회복 불가능 

-> 결론 : 시장 계약의 역효과






2. 한줄 해석


One vivid example of how a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational.


어떻게 시장 사고방식이 관습을 변질시키고 훼손시킬 수 있는지에 대한 한 생생한 예가 그의 저서 ‘Predictably Irrational’에서 Dan Ariely에 의해 주어진다.





He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so.


그는 자신의 아이를 데리러 늦게 도착한 부모들에게 벌금을 부과하기로 결정했던 이스라엘의 한 어린이집에 관한 이야기를 들려주는데, 이는 이것이 그들이 그렇게 행동하는 것을 막을 수 있기를 바라서였다.





In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so.


실제로는 정반대의 일이 일어났다. 벌금 부과 전에 부모들은 늦게 도착한 것에 대해 죄책감을 느꼈고 죄책감은 오직 몇몇만이 그렇게 하도록 확실히 하는 데 효과적이었다.





Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one.


일단 벌금이 도입되자 부모들의 마음속에서 전체 시나리오가 사회 계약에서 시장 계약으로 바뀌었던 것으로 보인다.





Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased.


근본적으로 그들은 방과 후에 자신의 아이를 돌보는 것에 있어 어린이집에 비용을 지불하고 있었다. 일부 부모들은 그것이 값어치를 한다고 생각했고 늦은 도착의 비율이 증가했다.





Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.


중요하게는 어린이집이 벌금을 그만두고 이전 방식으로 돌아갔을 때 늦은 도착은 벌금 기간 동안 그것들이 도달했었던 그 높은 수준에 머물렀다.









3. 변형문제


34-1. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

One vivid example of how a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution ①is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope ②that this would discourage them from doing so. In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario ③being changed from a social contract to a market one. Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals ④increased. Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they ⑤had reached during the period of the fines.

















being -> was 





34-2. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?

One vivid example of how a market mindset can transform and ①impair an institution is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would ②inhibit them from doing so. In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ③neglecting that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one. Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals ④escalated. Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals ⑤persisted at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.














 neglecting -> ensuring( neglect  : 무시하다, 소홀히하다)






참고 :


impair (원문 : undermine )

inhibit (원문 : discourage)

neglecting -> ensuring( neglect  : 무시하다, 소홀히하다)

escalated  (원문 : increased)

persisted (원문 : remained)








34-3. 다음 글에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 알맞은 것은?


One vivid example of how a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so.


(A) Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.

(B) Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased.

(C) In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one.

① (A)-(C)-(B)  ② (B)-(A)-(C)  ③ (B)-(C)-(A)  ④ (C)-(A)-(B)  ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)















 ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)







34-4. 다음 문장이 들어갈 가장 알맞은 곳은?

Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. 


One vivid example of how a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so. ① In fact, the exact opposite happened. ② Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. ③ Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one. ④ Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased. ⑤ Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.










34-5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


One vivid example of how a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so. In fact, the exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one. Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased. Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines.



The market contract to prevent late arrivals by imposing fines has not only been less ___(A)_____ than social contracts, but have also _____(B)______.

              (A)                           (B)

①    imposed                   decreased

②    restricted                 decentralized

③    effective                   backfired

④    distracted                overlooked

⑤    related                     outnumbered






















③    effective                   backfired


The market contract to prevent late arrivals by imposing fines has not only been less effective than social contracts, but have also backfired.


벌금을 부과함으로써 지각을 방지하려는 시장 계약은 사회계약보다 효과도 떨어질 뿐만 아니라 역효과를 가져오기까지했다.


effective - 효과적인

backfire - 역효과가 나다








2021년 11월 고2 모의고사 34번은 이제 완벽해졌죠?



원래 문제 풀어보고,


내용 파악하고,


문제도 풀어보니 이제 완벽 대비 완료입니다.!




지금까지 목동 미키박쌤이었습니다.


구글, 유튜브, 다음, 네이버 등에서 '미키박쌤' 혹은 '목동 미키박영어'라고 검색하시면,


정말 많은 자료를 '무료'로 활용하실 수 있습니다.



그럼 화이팅하세요!!



