2022년 9월 고2 모의 변형문제

2022년 9월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 모음집(무료)

미키박 2022. 9. 11. 09:43


3등급도 전교 1등으로!(목동 영일고/송도 박문여고)

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오늘은 2022년 9월 고2 모의고사 31번 변형문제 모음입니다.





시험에서 출제될 가능성이 높은 유형들로 구성되어 있습니다.



하지만, 먼저 31번에 대한 확실한 이해가 먼저 전제되어야겠죠?








그럼 이제 변형문제를 풀어볼까요?



변형문제 1(어법성 판단)


다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

 It is not the peasant’s goal to produce the highest possible timeaveraged crop yield, averaged over many years. If your timeaveraged yield is marvelously high as a result of the combination of nine great years and one year of crop failure, you will still starve to death in that one year of crop failure before you can look back to congratulate yourself on your great timeaveraged yield. Instead, the peasant’s aim is to make sure to produce a yield above the starvation level in every single year, even though the timeaveraged yield may not be highest. That’s why field scattering may make sense. If you have just one big field, no matter how good it is on the average, you will starve when the inevitable occasional year arrives in what your one field has a low yield. But if you have many different fields, varying independently of each other, then in any given year some of your fields will produce well even when your other fields are producing poorly.  














what -> which 


what + 불완전문(주,목,보어 중 하나 없음)

in which + 완전문




변형문제 2(문맥상 어휘 추론)

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?

 It is not the peasant’s goal to produce the highest possible time‐averaged crop yield, averaged over many years. If your time‐averaged yield is marvelously high as a result of the combination of nine great years and one year of crop failure, you will still starve to death in that one year of crop failure before you can look back to congratulate yourself on your great time‐averaged yield. Instead, the peasant’s aim is to make sure to produce a yield above the starvation level in every single year, even though the time‐averaged yield may not be highest. That’s why field scattering may make sense. If you have just one big field, no matter how good it is on the average, you will starve when the inevitable occasional year arrives in which your one field has a low yield. But if you have many different fields, varying interdependently of each other, then in any given year some of your fields will produce well even when your other fields are producing poorly.  












interdependently -> independently 









변형문제 3(순서 추론)


다음 글에 이어질 글의 순서로 알맞은 것은?

 It is not the peasant’s goal to produce the highest possible time‐averaged crop yield, averaged over many years. If your time‐averaged yield is marvelously high as a result of the combination of nine great years and one year of crop failure, you will still starve to death in that one year of crop failure before you can look back to congratulate yourself on your great time‐averaged yield.


(A) But if you have many different fields, varying independently of each other, then in any given year some of your fields will produce well even when your other fields are producing poorly. 

(B) Instead, the peasant’s aim is to make sure to produce a yield above the starvation level in every single year, even though the time‐averaged yield may not be highest.

(C) That’s why field scattering may make sense. If you have just one big field, no matter how good it is on the average, you will starve when the inevitable occasional year arrives in which your one field has a low yield.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
















③ (B)-(C)-(A) 










변형문제 4(대의 파악류)


다음 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?

 It is not the peasant’s goal to produce the highest possible time‐averaged crop yield, averaged over many years. If your time‐averaged yield is marvelously high as a result of the combination of nine great years and one year of crop failure, you will still starve to death in that one year of crop failure before you can look back to congratulate yourself on your great time‐averaged yield. Instead, the peasant’s aim is to make sure to produce a yield above the starvation level in every single year, even though the time‐averaged yield may not be highest. That’s why field scattering may make sense. If you have just one big field, no matter how good it is on the average, you will starve when the inevitable occasional year arrives in which your one field has a low yield. But if you have many different fields, varying independently of each other, then in any given year some of your fields will produce well even when your other fields are producing poorly.  

① Time : The Best Solution of Starvation

② Happiness : Be on The Average 

③ Gather As Much As Possible for Starvation

④ Want to Avoid Starvation? Plant Variously.

⑤ Starvation : The Inevitable Fate in Human History

















 Want to Avoid Starvation? Plant Variously.










31번의 완벽한 이해와 이를 바탕으로 한 변형문제로 


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