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미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과 서술형 대비문제 (비상김) - 어법성판단유형

미키박 2024. 10. 22. 19:16

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미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과


영어독해와작문 4과 서술형 대비문제 [본문 1]

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

Volcanoes have caused some of the worst natural disasters the world ①has ever seen. But would it surprise you to know that ②despite their destructive power, volcanoes actually ③coming with their share of benefits? 

The Young Earth
Life Sparked by Volcanic Lightning 

A few million years after Earth's formation, its surface was dominated by volcanoes. Although the sun was ④much weaker then than it is today, volcanoes spewed out large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, ⑤enabled the planet ⑥to trap the ⑦limiting heat from the sun. Volcanoes also gave off water vapor, ⑧this helped make the oceans; these contained amino acids that may ⑨be delivered by meteors or created during meteor strikes. In the earliest warm water, rich with volcanic sulfur particles, more and more amino acids ⑩to be generated, but this alone did not create life. One theory holds that lightning ⑪striking the ocean ⑫caused the amino acids to combine into proteins, the foundation of cells. Life on Earth may ⑬have begun in a soup of water, sulfur, and lightning.  











미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과


come / ⑤enabling / ⑦limited / ⑧which / ⑨have been / ⑩were




영어독해와작문 4과 서술형 대비문제 [본문 2]

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

A Volcanic Winter Caused by Ash Cloud 

A huge volcanic eruption in Sumatra, Indonesia, came very close to ①wipe out most of humanity between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago. This supervolcano, known as Toba, ②erupting with ③so force that its caldera covered 1,158 square miles. It spewed out 2,800 billion cubic meters of magma, 800 billion of ④it was ash. This ash settled in a layer about six inches thick that blanketed southern Asia, and worse, ⑤becoming trapped in the atmosphere, ⑥blocking out the sun. The ⑦resulted volcanic winter lasted 6 to 10 years and led to a cooling period for about 1,000 years.  









미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과


wiping / ②erupted / ③such / ④which / ⑤became / ⑦resulting




영어독해와작문 4과 서술형 대비문제 [본문 3]

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

The Age of Civilizations
Flourishing Ancient Civilizations near Volcanoes 

One of history's most successful ①civilization was the Maya, ②they ruled Central America from around 800 BC to 1530. Many Maya settlements were situated in mountainous regions on or near ③towering volcanoes that were blanketed with nutrient‑rich soil. The soil loaded with nutrients and minerals ④to be brought to the surface from ⑤depth under the ground during eruptions. This supported the agricultural foundation that helped the Maya civilization ⑥flourished. Many other civilizations―the Etruscans in northern Italy, the ancient civilizations of Greece, and the Roman Empire― ⑦having also benefited from living near volcanoes.  









미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과


civilizations / ②which / ④was / ⑤deep / ⑥to flourish / ⑦have




영어독해와작문 4과 서술형 대비문제 [본문 4]

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

Destruction of Civilization by Volcanic Eruption 

On August 24th, 79 A.D., the residents of the Roman city of Pompeii woke up to a day that seemed like any other. Before the night was over, however, Mount Vesuvius ①exploded, ②spewed out a cloud of volcanic material that ③reached to some 30 miles in height—more than 1.5 million tons of red‑hot rock and lava per second. All life ④was wiped out within six miles of the mountain, due in large part to the super‑hot flow of gas, ash, and rock that moved into the area in a matter of moments, ⑤killed thousands of people nearly ⑥instantly. Up to 80 feet of ash fell in only six hours; it hardened, covering and preserving the city, ⑦it was not rediscovered until 1738.  









미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과


had exploded / ②spewing / ③reached / ⑤killing / ⑦which




영어독해와작문 4과 서술형 대비문제 [본문 5]

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

Earth's Future
The Formation of New Lands 

In 1963, the story of the formation of new land spread across the world. In the ocean off Reykjavik, Iceland, men had discovered that lava from an ①erupted volcano had formed a tiny island, ②it was named Surtsey. And it's not alone. In recent years, the Canary Islands are gaining a sister off the island of El Hierro, and in the Red Sea a new island ③appearing  ④sudden after an eruption in 2011. Off Tonga, an island ⑤called Home Reef was created in 2006 by a volcano that ⑥previously erupted in 1852, 1857, and 1984; volcanologists expect the tiny island ⑦keeping growing. All of the Hawaiian Islands were made by volcanoes, and a new one may eventually join them. It's now 3,000 feet from the surface, and scientists ⑧think that it will break the waves in 50,000 years. 







미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과



erupting / ②which / ③appeared / ④suddenly / ⑦to keep





영어독해와작문 4과 서술형 대비문제 [본문 6]

 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

The Life‑altering Supervolcano

The force of a supervolcano is so great ①that it could ultimately destroy all humankind. The first victims would be those ②live closest to the supervolcano, but unlike a smaller eruption, the kill zone would ③cover a large area. If Yellowstone supervolcano in Northwest Wyoming blows, everyone in all of the states ④surrounded Wyoming could be at risk of dying. Volcanologists estimate that a layer of ash three feet deep would settle across ⑤full half of the United States, with smaller amounts ⑥cover the rest of the country. Many scientists have been ⑦worked out methods that can predict a supervolcanic eruption. They claim that there is no cause for panic, and even when the day does come, we will be ⑧giving plenty of warning.  









미키박영어 영어독해와작문4과


living / ④surrounding / ⑤fully / ⑥covering / ⑦working / ⑧given




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