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영어(비상 홍민표) 5과 변형문제(어법성 판단)

미키박 2023. 8. 18. 11:50

안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다.

오늘은 고등학교 영어 교과서 중 영어(비상 홍민표 외) 5과 변형문제 중 어법성 판단 문제 및 정답 자료입니다.


영어(비상 홍민표 외) 5과 어법 연습문제


내신 성적을 잘 받기 위해서 반드시 필요한 어법 연습문제입니다.

시험에 나올 가능성이 높은 부분을 최대한 활용하여 출제했습니다.


비상(홍민표) 5과 핵심 어법을 확실히 다진 후, 문제에 도전하기를 추천합니다!!


핵심어법 1. 부정어 도치



안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다. 오늘은 부정어도치에 대해 총정리해 드립니다. 부정어 + 의문문 끝. 뭐요? 끝? 부정어 + 의문문 이게 무슨 소리냐고요? 문장에 맨 앞에는 주어(명사류)가



핵심어법 2. 과거완료수동


과거완료 수동 (had+been+p.p.)

과거완료 수동 과거완료(had+p.p.)는? ‘과거의 어느 한 시점 이전에’ 발생한 일을 나타냅니다. 수동(be+p.p.)은? 주어가 ‘~되다, 당하다’라는 의미입니다. 따라서 과거완료 수동은? ① ‘had+been+p.p




이제는 어법 문제에 도전하세요!


내신 1등급을 향하여!

Here we go!



다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

The Amazing Story of the 33Alone in the Dark - Part I

 On October 13, 2010, thirty three Chilean miners who had buried inside the San José mine for 69 days to be finally rescued. It was a triumph of engineering and a victory of faith. The miners locked in below did not give up in the dark, nor did their families above ground surrendered to despair. 




had been buried / were / surrender


The Amazing Story of the 33Alone in the Dark - Part II

 On August 5, 2010, at around lunch break, miners dug for copper and gold started to feel vibrations in the earth. Almost immediately after the vibrations began, they heard a sudden huge explosion, and the whole mine filling up with dust and rock. A massive piece of the nearby mountain had broken off, buried almost all the layers of the mine. 

 For seventeen days after the initial collapse, there was no word on their fate. As the days passed, Chileans grew increasing uncertain what any of the miners had survived. A small exploratory hole was drilled on August 22, and the camera captured a message that said, "We are still alive." It was the first sign of hope. Soon, a video camera sent down 700 meters deep and captured the first images of the miners, all clear in good health. The discovery sparked joyful celebrations nationwide, and rescue efforts to give a light of hope which the miners could be saved. 






digging /  filled / burying / increasingly / that / was sent / clearly / gave / that



The Amazing Story of the 33Alone in the Dark - Part III

 The miners were lucky to have an air tunnel that allowed enough fresh air reached them. They also had broken trucks from what they could charge the batteries of their head lamps. In addition, they were able to drink water from storage tanks nearby. Until the tunnel to deliver food and medicine was operational, food was the most critical issue in the shelter. They only had enough food for two days. For eighteen days, each person had to live on two spoonfuls of tuna, a mouthful of milk, bits of crackers, and a bite of canned fruit every other days. Another factor which bothered the miners severely being the high heat and humidity of the shelter. Each miner lost an average of 8 kilograms by the time they were rescued.  







to reach / which / day / was / had lost

The Amazing Story of the 33Alone in the Dark - Part IV

 The miners united as a group soon after the collapse. They organized themselves into a society which each person had one vote. They all knew that if their social structure broke down, their problems would have become more serious and do what they could do best. For example, José Henríquez, a religious man, tried keeping morale up, and Yonni Barrios, who had some medical training, helping other miners with their health problems.  

 On October 9, a rescue hole was finally drilled through to the miners in their shelter. It created a tunnel large enough to lift him one by one. For this purpose, a specially designed capsule was built. More than 1,400 news reporters from all over the world, together with the family members of the miners, gathering to watch the rescue process.  






where / would become / did / to keep / had had / helped / them / gathered

The Amazing Story of the 33Alone in the Dark - Part V

 On October 12, the first rescue worker sent downward to the miners, they greeted him with nervous relief. Soon, the first trapping miner was raised to the surface. One by one, the miners were brought in the capsule to see the sunlight. Upon leaving the capsule, each miner was enthusiastically greeted, but they could not see their families right away. They had trapped for so long that their first priority was to get medical attention.  

 Luis Urzúa, who had been taken a major role as a democratic leader during underground, being the last one to come up to the surface on October 13. "The 69 days during which we tried so hard were not useless. We wanted to live for our families, and that was the greatest thing," Urzúa said to the Chilean people after his rescue. Then, the rescuers and the rescued to begin singing the Chilean national anthem with the thousands of joyous people who came to support the operation, celebrated the heroics and the humanity of all those involved.  







was sent / who / trapped / were brought up / had been trapped / had taken / while / was / began / celebrating

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A Capsule of Light

 The rescue capsule Fénix was designed by the Chilean Navy in collaboration with NASA to rescue the 33 miners trapping underground in Chile's San José copper mine. Painted in the red, white, and blue colors of Chile, the Fénix looked like a military missile. The device was nearly 3.95 meters high on the outside, and the inside was 1.9 meters high and about 51 centimeters across, it was just enough room for an adult male.  
 When mobilized by the rescue team, the Fénix was equipped with an emergency oxygen supply. The bottom of the capsule held three tanks of air, it would provide enough air for one person breathing for about 90 minutes. This amount of air was more than need for the 15 to 20 minutes that the trip to the surface was expected to take.  
 It also had a communication system so that the miners could speak to the surface while lifting up. In an emergency, such as the capsule got stuck in the rescue hole, the bottom could be opened from the inside so that the miner could be lowered back down to the shelter.  
 Thanks to the capsule and the organizing rescue efforts, the miners put an end to their life of darkness. When they stepped out of the capsule door to meet their loved ones, the designers of the Fénix shared in the joy; their efforts resulted in the saving of 33 lives.  






trapped / which / which / to breathe / needed / being lifted / getting / organized/

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그리고, 미키박쌤의 모의고사변형문제월드 사이트에서 

엄청나게 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들도 '무료'로 활용해보세요!




모의고사 변형문제월드

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