고등학교 교과서 자료/영어(비상 홍민표 외)

영어(비상 홍민표) 6과 변형문제(어법성 판단)

미키박 2023. 8. 22. 17:11

안녕하세요 재미짐영어 미키박쌤입니다.

오늘은 고등학교 영어 교과서 중 영어(비상 홍민표 외) 6과 변형문제 중 어법성 판단 문제 및 정답 자료입니다.


영어(비상 홍민표 외) 6과 어법 연습문제


내신 성적을 잘 받기 위해서 반드시 필요한 어법 연습문제입니다.

시험에 나올 가능성이 높은 부분을 최대한 활용하여 출제했습니다.



비상(홍민표) 6과 핵심 어법을 확실히 다진 후, 문제에 도전하기를 추천합니다!!


핵심문법 1 : without 을 활용한 가정법

핵심문법 2 : seem 의 활용









이제는 어법 문제에 도전하세요!


내신 1등급을 향하여!

Here we go!



다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.

Part I - A Jungle of Choice

 Decisions, decisions, decisions.... Being a consumer is tough these days. At the same time, without decisions to make, being a consumer would ①have been easier but much less ②interesting. Stores are full of attractive products. Advertisements cover cars and buildings, TV commercials shout slogans, and pop-up promotions on the Internet can be ③annoyed. Since we can't have everything we want, we have to make the resources that we have to go as far as possible. Imagine that you go to a shopping mall ⑥to buy a pair of jeans. Let's take a look at some of the things that may affect your decisions while you are there. 









Part II - A Jungle of Choice

"Hey, these jeans are on sale!"
 Have you ever wondered why retail stores put items on sale? Sales reduce inventory size, ①make room for the store to buy more stuff to sell, and they attract customers. If the jeans were originally $100 but are now on sale for $80, the lower price would ②have led more customers to consider buying the jeans and ③spending another $20 on a T-shirt, too. The bottom line is ④that sales attract customers that might not ⑤make purchases at the regular price, and they motivate customers to spend because their money can now buy more.

"Become the person you've always wanted to be."
 Jeans are jeans, right? Well, no! There are ordinary jeans and there are designer jeans. As the TV ads prove, beautiful people wear Brand X, ⑥aren't they? And you feel you'll be more beautiful if you wear it, too. This is the power of association. When advertisers associate ⑦appealing images with certain products, consumers may buy the products to associate ⑧them with those images. You're still the same you, but you feel better about ⑨yourself because you are wearing Brand X's new jeans. Is this worth ⑩paying 25%, 50%, or even 100% more? Well, that's up to each individual ⑪to decide on his or her own.






making  / lead / have made / don't / ⑧themselves


Part III -  A Jungle of Choice

"How do you like these sneakers to go with those jeans?"
 Have you ever ①offered to buy something that you ②had not planned on buying? A sales clerk may make suggestions to you about ③what else to buy in addition to your ④original planned purchase. This is called up-selling and it's designed to be not only helpful for you, but also for the store's bottom line. Have you also noticed that shoes, hats, and socks ⑤being displayed together next to ⑥one another? They are mostly inexpensive items strategically ⑦placed there. Since you've already decided to buy a pair of jeans, why not buy a pair of sneakers too? No one can tell you that you shouldn't buy something that really suits you, but ⑧remembering that the arrangement of items in a store is not random. Product placement seems ⑨to be designed to give subtle suggestions to consumers while they shop.







been offered
are displayed
to have been


Part IV - A Jungle of Choice

What Most People Do
 Why are you influenced by these marketing strategies? What's going on in your head? Well, when your brain is loaded with too many decisions ①to make, it may go on "autopilot." Instead of deliberating, you choose the easy way and make your decisions ②automatic. For example, many people may simply assume that ③buying an item on sale will save them money, or ④that something with a higher price tag ⑤being better in quality. Furthermore, if a cashier recommends something, you may feel as if you "⑥needed" it all along.









Part V - A Jungle of Choice

Notice What's Out There!
 If there are so many choices and marketing strategies out there, how can you become a smart consumer? There isn't a "right" answer for everyone because we have different tastes and different values, but the first step ①is to be aware of your "autopilot" mode. To prevent this, ask ②you these questions before you make any purchase: Do I really need the product or do I simply want it? Would my money be better ③spending on something else? In the jungle of information, you may feel ④overwhelmed. Don't worry, though; being a smart consumer is not something that comes ⑤naturally. Once you ⑥start noticing what's out there, your experience and wisdom will guide you to smart consuming.





yourself / ③spent


Read Culture

Street Food Business Around the World

 People run street food booths around the world for ①the number of reasons, such as to get an opportunity to open their own business on a budget, to sell food in a ②live place, or ③to promote their own special recipe. The advantage of these kinds of small businesses ④being that they provide opportunities for owners on smaller budgets. At the same time, consumers benefit ⑤because of the variety of food that is available.





a / ②lively / ④is



Special Family Recipes
 In the crowded cities in Vietnam, people usually keep their doors ①opening, so cooking and eating food on the street ②being natural. Street food businesses in Vietnam are usually owned by the family, and recipes ③keeping in the family. These recipes are often ④handed down from the mother of the family to her children.






open /  is / ③are kept




Meals from the Sky
 Melbourne, Australia has many small buildings and narrow alleys between ①them. This gave rise to a unique restaurant ②calling Jafflechutes, ③it sells sandwiches by parachute. Three young men wanted to sell sandwiches, but they didn't have the money to rent a ground floor space. Instead of customers ④came up, they thought why not ⑤send sandwiches down? Customers can pay online, select a time, stand on an 'X' ⑥marking outside the building, and ⑦waited for the parachute with their name on it.




called / ③which / ④coming / ⑥marked / ⑦wait


Food that Moves
 In the United States, food trucks ①have become very popular among workers in large cities. Food trucks can move around, and ②many sell food that originated in other countries like Mexico, China, Brazil, and Turkey. For example, one of many ③recently popular food trucks, ④calling Kogi, ⑤selling a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico. Kogi's marketing strategy uses social networking to announce where ⑥will it turn up next.






called / ⑤sells / ⑥it will



지금까지 재미짐영어 미키박쌤 영어(비상 홍민표 외) 6과 변형문제 중 어법성 판단 문제 및 정답 자료였습니다.


구글다음네이버유튜브에서 '재미짐영어 미키박쌤'을 검색해보세요.

정말 많은 유용한 자료들을 '무료'로 활용하실 수 있습니다.




그리고, 미키박쌤의 모의고사변형문제월드 사이트에서 

엄청나게 많은 모의고사 변형문제 자료들도 '무료'로 활용해보세요!




모의고사 변형문제월드

3등급도 전교 1등으로! (목동 영일고, 송도 박문여고) 목동 영어의 늘 밝은 별 미키박쌤입니다. 모의고사 변형문제월드에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 시험범위에 해당하는 모의고사의 변형문제들이


