2022년 9월 고2 모의 변형문제

2022년 9월 고2 모의고사 38번 변형문제 모음집(무료)

미키박 2022. 9. 15. 16:21


3등급도 전교 1등으로!(목동 영일고/송도 박문여고)

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오늘은 2022년 9월 고2 모의고사 38번 변형문제 모음입니다.






시험에서 출제될 가능성이 높은 유형들로 구성되어 있습니다.


하지만, 먼저 38번에 대한 확실한 이해가 먼저 전제되어야겠죠?









그럼 이제 변형문제를 풀어볼까요?




변형문제 1(어법성 판단)

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

Adaptation involves changes in a population, with characteristics that are passed from one generation to the next. This is different from acclimation an individual organism’s changes in response to an altered environment. For example, if you spend the summer outside, you may acclimate to the sunlight: your skin will increase its concentration of dark pigments that protect you from the sun. This is a temporary change, and you won’t pass the temporary change on to future generations. However, the capacity to produce skin pigments is inherited. For populations living in intensely sunny environments, individuals with a good ability to produce skin pigments are more likely to thrive, or to survive, than people with a poor ability to produce pigments, and that trait becomes increasingly common in subsequent generations. If you look around, you can find countless examples of adaptation. The distinctive long neck of a giraffe, for example, developed as individuals that happened to have longer necks having an advantage in feeding on the leaves of tall trees.

* pigment: 색소





having -> had
부사절 접속사 as + 완전문(주어 : individuals ~ / 동사 : had) 입니다.

중간의 'that happened to have longer necks'부분은 관계사절로 빼고 생각해야 합니다.





변형문제 2(문맥상 어휘 추론)

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 어색한 것은?


Adaptation involves changes in a population, with characteristics that are passed from one generation to the next. This is different from acclimation an individual organism’s changes in response to a changed environment. For example, if you spend the summer outside, you may acclimate to the sunlight: your skin will increase its concentration of dark pigments that protect you from the sun. This is a temporary shift, and you won’t pass the temporary change on to future generations. However, the capacity to produce skin pigments is inherited. For populations living in intensely sunny environments, individuals with a good ability to form skin pigments are more likely to thrive, or to survive, than people with a poor ability to produce pigments, and that trait becomes increasingly common in subsequent generations. If you look around, you can find countless examples of hallucination. The distinctive long neck of a giraffe, for example, developed as individuals that happened to have longer necks had an edge in feeding on the leaves of tall trees.

* pigment: 색소














hallucination -> adaptation (hallucination : 환각, 환영, 환청)




 참고  :

changed (원문 : altered)
shift change)
form (원문 : produce)
hallucination -> adaptation (hallucination : 환각, 환영, 환청)
edge (원문 : advantage )




변형문제 3(빈칸 추론)

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은?

Adaptation involves changes in a population, with characteristics that are passed from one generation to the next. This is different from acclimation — ________________. For example, if you spend the summer outside, you may acclimate to the sunlight: your skin will increase its concentration of dark pigments that protect you from the sun. This is a temporary change, and you won’t pass the temporary change on to future generations. However, the capacity to produce skin pigments is inherited. For populations living in intensely sunny environments, individuals with a good ability to produce skin pigments are more likely to thrive, or to survive, than people with a poor ability to produce pigments, and that trait becomes increasingly common in subsequent generations. If you look around, you can find countless examples of adaptation. The distinctive long neck of a giraffe, for example, developed as individuals that happened to have longer necks had an advantage in feeding on the leaves of tall trees.                               * pigment: 색소

① conformation to the seemingly permanent colonies
② the adaptability of living creatures to a changed environment 
③ adjustment to the other organisms' changing physical features
④ efforts to make amends to their evolutionary defects
⑤ preparation for more advanced physiological advantages








 the adaptability of living creatures to a changed environment 

원문 : an individual organism’s changes in response to an altered environment












변형문제 4(글의 순서)

다음 글에 이어질 글의 순서로 알맞은 것은?

Adaptation involves changes in a population, with characteristics that are passed from one generation to the next. This is different from acclimation an individual organism’s changes in response to an altered environment.


(A) If you look around, you can find countless examples of adaptation. The distinctive long neck of a giraffe, for example, developed as individuals that happened to have longer necks had an advantage in feeding on the leaves of tall trees.

(B) However, the capacity to produce skin pigments is inherited. For populations living in intensely sunny environments, individuals with a good ability to produce skin pigments are more likely to thrive, or to survive, than people with a poor ability to produce pigments, and that trait becomes increasingly common in subsequent generations.

(C) For example, if you spend the summer outside, you may acclimate to the sunlight: your skin will increase its concentration of dark pigments that protect you from the sun. This is a temporary change, and you won’t pass the temporary change on to future generations.                                * pigment: 색소

 (A)-(C)-(B)  (B)-(A)-(C)  (B)-(C)-(A)  (C)-(A)-(B)  (C)-(B)-(A)






















변형문제 5(대의 파악 중 요약문 완성)

Adaptation involves changes in a population, with characteristics that are passed from one generation to the next. This is different from acclimation an individual organism’s changes in response to an altered environment. For example, if you spend the summer outside, you may acclimate to the sunlight: your skin will increase its concentration of dark pigments that protect you from the sun. This is a temporary change, and you won’t pass the temporary change on to future generations. However, the capacity to produce skin pigments is inherited. For populations living in intensely sunny environments, individuals with a good ability to produce skin pigments are more likely to thrive, or to survive, than people with a poor ability to produce pigments, and that trait becomes increasingly common in subsequent generations. If you look around, you can find countless examples of adaptation. The distinctive long neck of a giraffe, for example, developed as individuals that happened to have longer necks had an advantage in feeding on the leaves of tall trees.

* pigment: 색소


Adaptation involves the ____(A)____ adaptation of a population to environmental changes, while acclimation is for individual organisms to adapt ____(B)____ to changes in the environment.

    (A)                                        (B)
① social                              transitorily
social                              drastically
genetic                           drastically
genetic                           thoroughly
genetic                            transitorily






















 genetic                            transitorily

Adaptation involves the genetic adaptation of a population to environmental changes, while acclimation is for individual organisms to adapt transitorily to changes in the environment.


적응은 환경 변화에 대한 집단의 유전적 적응을 수반하는 반면, 적응은 개별 유기체가 환경의 변화에 일시적으로 적응하는 것이다.



참고 : 

social : 사회적인  / geneticl 유전적인 / transitorily 일시적으로 / drastically 과감하게 / thoroughly 완전히










2022년9월 고2 모의고사 38번 변형문제를 


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