
미키박쌤의 현재완료 이론 및 변형문제(정답 포함)

미키박 2020. 12. 13. 00:45



재미짐영어 미키박 쌤입니다.



오늘은 여러분들의 내신 성적을 확실하게 도와드릴


현재완료 변형문제 입니다.



끝까지 보시고 100점 받으세요!!!





현재 완료 기초 이론

have 혹은 has + p.p. - 이때, have 혹은 has 는 조동사이기 때문에

의문문으로 할 경우 주어 앞에 조동사 have 혹은 has + 주어 + p.p. 의 순서로 문장을 만든다.


의문문 : Have you seen a lion before?

- Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.


그리고, 부정문으로 할 경우 조동사 have 혹은 has + 부정어(not, never 등) + p.p. 의 순서로 문장을 만든다.

부정문 : I haven't seen a lion before.




현재완료의 용법


1. 완료

완료는 '막 ~했다', '아직 ~못했다','~을 다했다', '~을 끝냈다'라는 의미로 주로 사용되고 

이때, 주로 쓰이는 표현은 just(막, 방금), already(이미), yet(아직, 벌써) 등이 있다. 

I have just finished doing my homework.

Haven't you finished the project yet?





경험은 '~한 적이 있다', '~해본적이 없다' 라는 의미로 주로 사용되고,

이때, 주로 쓰이는 표현은 ever(전에), never(전에 ~한 적이 전혀 없다),  once(한 번), twice (두 번), three times(세 번), how many times(몇 번~해봤나요?), have been to(~에 가본 적이 있다) 등이 있다.

Have you seen a lion before?




3. 계속

계속은 '계속 ~해왔다' 라는 의미로 시험에서는 가장 중요한 용법이기도 하다. 

이때, 주로 쓰이는 표현은 for(~동안), since (~이후로, ~이래로), how  long~? (얼마나 오래동안 ~해왔니?), so far(지금까지) 등이 있다.

I have studied English for a year.

I have studied English since last year.




4. 결과 

결과는 '~했다그래서 지금도 그렇다'라는 의미로 과거 시제와의 구분을 분명히 하는 게 중요하다.

He has gone to Japan. (그는 일본으로 갔다. 그래서 지금도 일본에 있다)




He went to Japan. (그는 일본으로 갔다. 그런데 지금의 상황은 모른다)





과거와 현재 완료 구분

명백한 과거 표현이 있을 경우 과거 시제로 쓴다.

명백한 과거표현 - yesterday, five minutes ago, last year, when(언제, ~할 때), what time(몇 시에)....


She was sick yesterday.

When did you finish your homework? (중요함) -> When have you finished your homework? (X)


When he has come back, his wife was dozing. (X)

- When he came back, his wife was dozing. (O)


since + 과거표현 이 오는 경우는 현재완료를 쓴다

(계속~해왔다 의 경우만 해당)


She has been sick since yesterday. (O)

She has been sick since she was born. (O)


She has finished her homework since yesterday. (X) 

-> 어제부터 숙제를 계속 끝내왔다?? - 말이 안되죠.

-> She finished her homework yesterday. (O)


He has planted a tree since last year. (X)

-> 작년부터 계속 한 그루를 심어왔다?? - 역시 말이 안되죠.

-> He planted a tree last year. (O)



주의해야 할 현재완료 표현


have been to : ~에 갔다온 적이 있다


have gone to : ~로 갔다(그래서 지금도 거기에 있다) -> 주어는 3인칭을 사용합니다.

I have gone to Japan. (X) 

-> 난 일본으로 갔다. 그래서 지금도 일본에 있다. 라는 의미가 되죠. 

그런데? 난 지금 한국에 있죠? 그래서 틀린 문장입니다.






현재 완료 관련 문제



다음 중 문법적으로 틀린 부분이 있다면 모두 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.



1. Ben and his sister has never been to Paris yet. 








정답 : Ben and his sister have never been to Paris yet.






2. I don't know Mr. Jackson. I don't meet him yet.








정답 :  I don't know Mr. Jackson. I haven't met him yet.





3. My football team won all the matches so far this season.









정답 : My football team has won all the matches so far this season. 






4. How much money has your father earned last year?










정답 : How much money has your father earned since last year?

       혹은 How much money did your father earn last year?







5. It didn't rain in Busan since March.











정답 :  It hasn't rained in Busan since March.

       혹은  It didn't rain in Busan in March.





6. He didn't paint his room yet. 











정답 : He hasn't painted his room yet.






7. Nancy hasn't given a birthday present to me last year.











정답 : Nancy didn't give a birthday present to me last year.




8. His brother hasn't called his parents since he has moved to Beijing last month.











정답 : His brother hasn't called his parents since he moved to Beijing last month.





9. The plane from India has landed a few minutes ago, so we have to go to the arrival section now.











정답 : The plane from India landed a few minutes ago, so we have to go to the arrival section now.





10. I got hurt last weekend when I have got off the bus.











정답 :  I got hurt last weekend when I got off the bus.






11. My father didn't smoke for a week. I think he's trying to quit smoking very hard.











정답 : My father hasn't smoked for a week. I think he's trying to quit smoking very hard.





12. How many times have you and your wife gone to London so far?











정답 : How many times have you and your wife been to London so far?





13. I'm starving. I didn't eat anything yet.











정답 :  I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything yet.





14. Mr. Chang worked so hard all day, so he's very exhausted now.











정답 : Mr. Chang has worked so hard all day, so he's very exhausted now.




15. Sunny has waited for a bus since fifteen minutes.











정답 : Sunny has waited for a bus for fifteen minutes.






16. There has been so much rain in Berlin since the couple has moved there last month. 











정답 : There has been so much rain in Berlin since the couple moved there last month. 





17. Many Koreans hope it will be warm and sunny soon. It was cold and cloudy for two days.











정답 : Many Koreans hope it will be warm and sunny soon. It has been cold and cloudy for two days.





18. Where were you? The people over there were looking for you.











정답 : Where have you been? The people over there were looking for you.





19. The dancing group from Ireland has visited Korea several years ago.











정답 : The dancing group from Ireland visited Korea several years ago.





20. Have you and your friend gone to Rome before?











정답 : Have you and your friend been to Rome before?






다음 주어진 표현을 활용하여 우리말을 영어로 표현하시오.


21. 너는 이 게임을 해본 적이 있니? (ever, play)











정답 : Have you ever played this game?





22.  Jerry 는 28세부터 이 회사에서 일했어.(company)











정답 : Jerry has worked in this company since he was 28.




23. 마침내 내 꿈이 이루어졌어요! (finally / come true)











정답 : Finally, my dream has come true!





24. 그와 그의 아내는 아직 저녁 식사를 끝내지 못했어요. (yet / finish / dinner)











정답 : He and his wife haven't finished their dinner yet.




25. Mary 는 독일로 갔다, 그래서 난 지금 그녀가 매우 그립다. (Germany / miss / now)











정답 : Mary has gone to Germany, so I miss her so much.





26. 당신은 전에 중국어로 편지를 써본 적이 있나요? (Chinese / letter / write / before)











정답 : Have you written a letter in Chinese before?




27. Gary 와 나는 우리가 처음 만난 이후로 계속 좋은 친구이어왔다. (first / good friends)











정답 : Gary and I have been good friends since we first met.





28. 나는 내 스마트폰을 잃어버렸다. 그래서 새거를 하나 사야 한다. (smartphone / lose / need)











정답 : I have lost my smartphone, so I need to buy a new one.





29. 당신은 그녀의 새 집에 가본 적이 있나요? (be / new house)











정답 : Have you been to her new house?




30. 난 아직 그 파티에 무엇을 입고 갈 지를 결정하지 못했어. (decide / wear / yet)











정답 : I haven't decided what to wear to the party yet.







어때요, 제대로 파악하셨죠?



지금까지 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이었습니다.




다른 자료도 많이 활용하세요.




다음이나 네이버 유튜브에서 '미키박'이라 검색하시면 





많은 자료 활용하실 수 있습니다.




