영어I 지학(민찬규) 교과서 5과 변형문제(순서추론 및 문장삽입 유형)이 필요하시다고요?
걱정 마세요! 재미짐영어영어 미키박쌤이 해결해 드립니다!
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오늘은 영어I 지학(민찬규) 교과서 5과 변형문제(순서추론 및 문장삽입 유형)를 제공해 드립니다.
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다음 문장에 이어질 순서를 정하시오.
본문 1
Flowers have various meanings, depending on the culture or country.
1. Many of these flowers are national flowers.
2. For example, a particular flower may have a certain meaning in one country.
3. That same type of flower may have a completely different meaning in another country.
4. The stories behind how certain flowers have become associated with particular countries are quite interesting.
5. Also, some flowers have very special meanings in some countries.
본문 2
The Peony of China
The peony is one of the most popular flowers in China.
1. Wu Zetian, the only female in Chinese history to rule as empress, once ordered that all the flowers in her garden were to bloom in winter.
2. She then ordered the people of the city to burn them.
3. This enraged the empress and she ordered all of the peonies to be removed from the capital city, Chang'an.
4. It has long been a significant part of Chinese culture, inspiring many artists and writers through the ages.
5. So she had all the peonies in the city transported to Luoyang, another important city during that time.
6. The flowers, afraid of the empress, all bloomed, except for the peonies.
7. The story of the peony started one snowy night.
본문 3
Though seemingly completely destroyed, the following spring, the burnt branches surprisingly blossomed into beautiful flowers.
1. Afterwards, Wu Zetian declared the peony to be the national flower of the Tang Dynasty.
2. Wu Zetian and many others were amazed that the flowers had come back to life.
3. The Chinese have such great appreciation for the peony that over 200 Chinese poets have written more than 500 poems to celebrate it.
본문 4
The Cornflower of Germany
In German history, the cornflower is associated with the beautiful Louise of Prussia, who was the mother of William, the first Emperor of Germany.
1. "Go," she said, "and gather some of those flowers, and I shall make a crown for you.”
2. Before the close of the century, that little boy was crowned Emperor of United Germany.
3. Little William, not to be left out, begged his mother to make one for him, which she did.
4. Excited by their mother's suggestion, the little boys ran off and picked a lot of flowers.
5. Needless to say, he never forgot his mother making a crown with cornflowers when he was a child.
6. Not wanting her boys to worry about the delay, the queen told them to look at the countless beautiful cornflowers that were growing nearby.
7. It is said that during the battle of Jena and Auerstedt (1806), Queen Louise escaped from Berlin with her two sons.
8. The queen then made a crown from the flowers and placed it on the head of her older son.
9. On the way to Koenigsberg, their wagon broke down, and they got off and waited by the road until the damage was repaired.
본문 5
The Thistle of Scotland
In Scotland, the story of the thistle goes back to the rule of Alexander III.
1. Since that time, the Scotch thistle has been considered the national flower of Scotland.
2. In the darkness, the Danish soldiers crept secretly toward the Scottish camp.
3. In 1263, there was a great battle between the Danes and the Scots.
4. What is the most popular flower in Korea?
5. The soldier's sharp cry of pain awoke the Scottish soldiers.
6. They fought with such bravery and skill that the Danish invaders were driven from the Scottish shore.
7. Their invasion went almost undetected.
8. Victory seemed certain until a shoeless Danish soldier stepped on a thistle.
9. The northern Danish invaders, under King Haakon, succeeded in landing on the coast of Scotland, not far from where Alexander's army was encamped.
10. Different countries have different flowers they highly value, and there are interesting stories about them.
11. What kinds of interesting stories do you know about it?
Think Outside the Box
The Language of Flowers
Have you ever wondered why your favorite flower is your favorite? Why do you prefer roses to peonies?
1. Many assume that a person's preference for a particular flower indicates that they are most like the attributes associated with that flower.
2. Even though meanings and traditions change depending on time and culture, flowers have been loved for a long time as a way to express emotions.
3. Please don't take the result too seriously. It's just for fun!
4. In the past, people even invented a secret language of flowers and used it frequently in their daily lives.
5. Different flowers symbolize different characteristics, meanings, and emotions.
6. Do you wonder what flowers say about your personality? Why don't you take the following quiz?
7. Learning the special symbolism of flowers became popular during the 1800s when each flower was assigned a particular meaning.
8. What many people don't realize is that we tend to favor the one flower that best complements our personality.
9. "What type of person are you? Your favorite flower says you're … ."
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