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'2021 대수능기출 33번
(2020년 12월 3일 실시)'
지문 해석 및 이해를 위한
상세 해설을
활용 순서는
Part I
1. 혼자 풀어보기
2. 답 확인하기
3. 근거 확인하기
Part II.
1. 혼자하기 (혼자 먼저 고민해 보는 과정)
2. 분석하기 (고민한 것이 어떻게 분석되었는가 파악하고 추가 이해가 필요한 부분 확인 과정)
3. 복습하기 (새롭게 배운 내용 확실하게 연습해서 내 것으로 만들기)
Part I
1. 혼자 풀어보기
33. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3점]
Thanks to newly developed neuroimaging technology, we now have access to the specific brain changes that occur during learning. Even though all of our brains contain the same basic structures, our neural networks are as unique as our fingerprints. The latest developmental neuroscience research has shown that the brain is much more malleable throughout life than previously assumed; it develops in response to its own processes, to its immediate and distant “environments,” and to its past and current situations. The brain seeks to create meaning through establishing or refining existing neural networks. When we learn a new fact or skill, our neurons communicate to form networks of connected information. Using this knowledge or skill results in structural changes to allow similar future impulses to travel more quickly and efficiently than others. High-activity synaptic connections are stabilized and strengthened, while connections with relatively low use are weakened and eventually pruned. In this way, our brains are _____________________.
*malleable: 순응성이 있는 **prune: 잘라 내다
① sculpted by our own history of experiences
② designed to maintain their initial structures
③ geared toward strengthening recent memories
④ twinned with the development of other organs
⑤ portrayed as the seat of logical and creative thinking
Part I
2. 답 확인하기
정답 ①
Part I
3. 근거 확인하기
Thanks to newly developed neuroimaging technology, we now have access to the specific brain changes that occur during learning. Even though all of our brains contain the same basic structures, our neural networks are as unique as our fingerprints. The latest developmental neuroscience research has shown that the brain is much more malleable throughout life than previously assumed; it develops in response to its own processes, to its immediate and distant “environments,” and to its past and current situations. The brain seeks to create meaning through establishing or refining existing neural networks. When we learn a new fact or skill, our neurons communicate to form networks of connected information. Using this knowledge or skill results in structural changes to allow similar future impulses to travel more quickly and efficiently than others. High-activity synaptic connections are stabilized and strengthened, while connections with relatively low use are weakened and eventually pruned. In this way, our brains are _____________________.
*malleable: 순응성이 있는 **prune: 잘라 내다
근거 : 우리의 뇌는 신경 네트워크를 현존하는 네트워크를 확립하거나 잘 다듬어서 의미를 만들어내려는 습성이 있다. ->새로운 무언가를 배우면 뉴런이 서로 소통하여 연결망을 만든다. -> 활동성이 활발한 시냅스 연결망은 강화되고, 그 반대의 경우는 삭제된다. -> 결국 새로운 배움은 연결망 형성(경험)이 계속되는 것은 강화되는 쪽으로 발달한다.
① sculpted by our own history of experiences
Part II.
1. 혼자하기
Thanks to newly developed neuroimaging technology, we now have access to the specific brain changes that occur during learning.
2. 분석하기
Thanks to newly developed neuroimaging technology, / we now have access / to the specific brain changes / that occur during learning.
Thanks to newly developed neuroimaging technology, we now have access to the specific brain changes that occur during learning.
새롭게 개발된 신경영상 기술 덕분에, 우리는 이제 학습 중에 일어나는 특정한 뇌 변화에 접근할 수 있다.
1. 혼자하기
Even though all of our brains contain the same basic structures, our neural networks are as unique as our fingerprints.
2. 분석하기
Even though all of our brains contain the same basic structures, / our neural networks are as unique as our fingerprints.
Even though all of our brains contain the same basic structures, our neural networks are as unique as our fingerprints.
우리의 모든 뇌가 같은 기본 구조를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 우리의 신경망은 우리의 지문만큼이나 독특하다.
1. 혼자하기
The latest developmental neuroscience research has shown that the brain is much more malleable throughout life than previously assumed; it develops in response to its own processes, to its immediate and distant “environments,” and to its past and current situations.
2. 분석하기
The latest developmental neuroscience research / has shown / that the brain is much more malleable / throughout life / than previously assumed; it develops / in response to its own processes, / to its immediate and distant “environments,” / and to its past and current situations.
-> 뇌는 유연하다.... 유연하다면 작은 반응에도 반응하고 변화를 보인다는 거군요...갈대가 바람에 흔들리듯이... 그래서 자신에게 자극이 오면, 그것이 그 즉시의 자극이건, 아주 예전의 자극이건, 현재와 과거의 자극에 대해 반응한다는 겁니다.
-> ; 우리가 알고 있는 '세미콜론' 이라는 것의 기능은 '접속사' 역할을 합니다.
그래서 그 뒤에 절이 온 겁니다.
3. 복습하기
The latest developmental neuroscience research has shown that the brain is much more malleable throughout life than previously assumed; it develops in response to its own processes, to its immediate and distant “environments,” and to its past and current situations.
가장 최근의 발달 신경과학 연구는 뇌가 이전에 가정했던 것보다 훨씬 더 유연하다는 것을 보여주었다; 뇌는 자신의 과정, 즉각적이고 먼 "환경" 그리고 과거와 현재의 상황에 대응하여 발달한다.
1. 혼자하기
The brain seeks to create meaning through establishing or refining existing neural networks.
2. 분석하기
The brain seeks to create meaning / through establishing or refining / existing neural networks.
-> 뇌는 의미를 창조하려고 한다 / 확립하거나 정제하여 / 현존하는 신경 네트워크를
-> 지금 갖고 있는 네트워크의 자리를 확실히 잡는 것, 잘 가다듬는 것... 이렇게 해서 의미를 형성한다... 유의미함을 이루는 거군요.
The brain seeks to create meaning through establishing or refining existing neural networks.
뇌는 현존하는 신경망을 구축하거나 정제하여 의미를 창조하려고 한다.
1. 혼자하기
When we learn a new fact or skill, our neurons communicate to form networks of connected information.
2. 분석하기
When we learn a new fact or skill, / our neurons communicate / to form networks of connected information.
When we learn a new fact or skill, our neurons communicate to form networks of connected information.
우리가 새로운 사실이나 기술을 배울 때, 우리의 뉴런은 의사소통하여 연결된 정보의 네트워크를 형성한다.
1. 혼자하기
Using this knowledge or skill results in structural changes to allow similar future impulses to travel more quickly and efficiently than others.
2. 분석하기
Using this knowledge or skill / results in structural changes / to allow similar future impulses to travel / more quickly and efficiently than others.
Using this knowledge or skill results in structural changes to allow similar future impulses to travel more quickly and efficiently than others.
이 지식이나 기술을 사용하면 유사한 미래의 자극이 다른 것들보다 더 빠르고 효율적으로 이동할 수 있도록 구조적인 변화가 일어난다.
1. 혼자하기
High-activity synaptic connections are stabilized and strengthened, while connections with relatively low use are weakened and eventually pruned.
2. 분석하기
High-activity synaptic connections are stabilized and strengthened, / while connections with relatively low use / are weakened / and eventually pruned.
3. 복습하기
High-activity synaptic connections are stabilized and strengthened, while connections with relatively low use are weakened and eventually pruned.
고활동 시냅스 연결은 안정화되고, 강화되는 반면, 상대적으로 사용이 적은 연결은 약해져 결국 가지치기 된다.
1. 혼자하기
In this way, our brains are sculpted by our own history of experiences.
2. 분석하기
In this way, our brains are sculpted by our own history of experiences.
In this way, our brains are sculpted by our own history of experiences.
이런 식으로 우리의 뇌는 우리 자신의 경험사에 의해 조각된다.
어때요, 제대로 이해되셨죠?
지금까지 재미짐영어 미키박쌤이었습니다.
다른 자료도 많이 활용하세요.
다음이나 네이버나 유튜브에서 '미키박'이라 검색하시면 많은 자료 활용하실 수 있습니다.
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